
Bitcoin in a Nutshell

Bitcoin is the global digital currency created long back in January 2009, as per the information from Investopedia. It cannot be owned or controlled by anyone. One of the main differences between bitcoin and the regular monetary currency is the pseudonymous nature of bitcoin. People can exchange the bitcoins without linking their name or identity…

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it services

Types Of IT Services Offered By IT Service Providers

IT Services manages information technology resources which are used by organizations for business activities. Information Technology Service Management is those activities which are performed by an entity to design, develop, deliver, operate and manage information technology services provided to clients. This includes such activities like designing and developing networks and systems, development of software and…

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RASP security – ensuring a higher level of application security all the time

RASP security always makes sure to provide comprehensive protection to the applications of the mobile with the help of latest additions in the web applications security algorithms. The whole concept of runtime application self-protection can be termed as the security-based technology which is linked with the application runtime environment and is highly capable of controlling the…

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Automation factory

Factory Automation Controlling System

Introduction Factory automation is creating and applying technology to monitor and control products and services’ production and delivery. The factory automation controlling system intends to decrease laborious and dangerous work faced by human workers. Automation is the process and application of technology to monitor and control products and services’ production and delivery. The automation managing…

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CyberSecurity in banking

The importance of cyber security Trends and Technologies in banking

As technology advances and more people come online, it is becoming increasingly important for banks and information technology departments to work together to secure cyberdefense for their institutions. While the Internet and technology have made many things possible, it has also opened many doors for possible attackers and risk for theft. Cybersecurity in banking is…

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[pii_email_80fb90b73f6b386e57ff] error code

How to Solve [pii_email_80fb90b73f6b386e57ff] Error Code Outlook

The [pii_email_80fb90b73f6b386e57ff] is also individual, so that the error code is returned from the Outlook interface. This can lead to different designs like the problems of the application and many data packed systems / PC / mobile devices. For example because of the many accounts that are used via the Microsoft Outlook interface. Individuals using…

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[pii_email_4a54df77285983c5da74] Error Code

Tips to Solve Fix [pii_email_4a54df77285983c5da74] Error Code Outlook

Now we are going to demonstrate how you can fix the error code [pii_email_4a54df77285983c5da74] in your Outlook email. If your Outlook email control panel renders the error code, then maybe something is wrong. Here we will give different tips to fix the error code [pii_pn_60bd665eea55fbf4]. So, check out this full article to better resolve Outlook…

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