Myths in IT professions and processes are far from uncommon. If a programmer was paid a penny each time someone asked him to “look” or “repair” their computer, he probably wouldn’t have to code. So, it’s no surprise that there are so many annoying myths and misconceptions about testing and QA engineers too. Surely you have already heard a lot of the following, but this time we will figure out what is really a myth and where the truth is hidden.
QA is unnecessary if you have a good development team
This popular misconception is built on several others: testing is easy; anyone who finds bugs is a tester; all code reviews are carried out after the development phase and what is the point then?
In fact, the testing process is a complex algorithm that includes several stages and types. Amateur simply cannot do all this at a sufficiently high level of quality. Besides, it is necessary to take into account that most of the development is now carried out according to agile methodologies, where testing is carried out at the end of each Scrum, and not the entire development cycle. To learn more about the QA process and how it impacts the finished product, please, check out the website quality assurance checklist from Anyforsoft.
Competent testing ensures that the product will be free of all bugs
It’s like the other side of the Moon – the evil twin brother of the previous myth. It is almost an axiom in the IT field that it is impossible to make an application or web page without bugs at all. All that can be provided is the minimization of bugs or their isolation, which would allow the product to work smoothly and reliably. Frankly speaking, testing does not end even after passing all the stages and types. For example, in the already mentioned Anyforsoft checklist, several useful tips are given that allow you to achieve a good result and maintain it in the future.
You can skip the QA stage or save on it
There is still a stereotype that the main value is brought by development, and QA is something additional and not obligatory. Whereas a high-quality and convenient product cannot be made without proper verification and testing. The end-user will not report the detected error, they will just go to the place where the application or site is not buggy and they can get what they want in a matter of minutes. Moreover, at the root of this misconception lies the unwillingness to “overpay” for work that is “too easy” (see the first myth) and in pursuit of something cheaper, business owners get what they wanted: low testing costs, high losses from urgent problem solving after launch.
Developers and QA engineers are enemies
Or another version: programmers and QA engineers must be at war for a product to be validated and tested in good faith. Or even more absurd: QA engineers are those who fail to code. In fact, the guarantee of efficiency and productivity is precisely in the well-coordinated work of both teams, because everyone – developers and QA engineers – is interested in the high quality of the final product. And the better the teams communicate and interact, the faster bash-fixing and troubleshooting goes. Another stereotype says that only the QA team should be involved in testing, while according to the processes, some of the tests are carried out directly by the developers.
Automation and robotization of testing will provide the better result
This is both delusion and fear at the same time. The fear that people in many places will be replaced – or displaced – by machines, and the misconception that automation completely protects against human error. Even today, some of the tests are automated or semi-automated and “entrusted” to various tools and algorithms, however, some of the QA actions always remain only manual. The reason for such a solution is not a lack of the right technology, but because only a human can handle it properly.
QA is still one of the most underestimated and at the same time among the most important areas in IT. Although, companies that really value the quality of their product and care about their reputation will not skip this step in the development. And what do you think? Please, share your thoughts about it in the comments below.